If you have visited my blog anytime in the last 2
weeks – you may have noticed an error page. This was due to my hosting provider “accidentally” deleting my site’s database. This was actually a perfect storm of sorts. All three of these things happened within the past few weeks:
- I had recently repaved my main machine and decided to wipe out my database backups. I figured I would just get a fresh backup afterwards.
- With some recent travel for work, I did not have a chance to get those database backups.
- The hosting company did not have a backup of the database they deleted.
All three of these extenuating circumstances led to this site being in a sorry state of repair.
Fortunately, all is not entirely lost as both Bing and Google have cached copies of most of my posts but it leaves me in a quandary on if I should bother reposting everything from the past four years or if I should just start fresh. For now, I’ve decided to repost only those blog entries that had more than 1,000 views. That said, if you remember a blog entry and it hasn’t been reposted, please send me a message at greg [at] samuraiprogrammer dot com and I will get it reposted.
Please enjoy the new site.